Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5 ET Embryos

I managed to scan the embryos that we transferred on the 04/04/2012. As you can see 2 on the right are the Morulas (Day 4 development). It should be a Blast at this time (Day 5), but the RE told me that ours are one day behind. We transferred 3. The bottom one probably not a good embryos, but who knows.

As todate, I don't feel optimistic and kind of knowing and feel that this cycle is not working. I hope I am wrong.

I did pee on the stick (HPT test starting from the Day 3 of the transfer), I got very faint line from the Novarel trigger, so after Day 6, it totally gone. I only have 3 more days before my BETA (HCG) blood test. Can this a miracle to us? I am praying that it will be.


  1. sis, letakla contoh yg ok, so can compare :P inshaAllah. miracle, miracle come to sis ana, she needed you badly ;)

  2. Faezah,

    Everybody different, there are many have non perfect looking embryos makes babies, and perfect looking that not make it. By googling 'IVF embryos' you can see the ones that what it suppose to look like.
